Tuesday, October 27, 2009

LoL at safe for work porn!!

I drove 8 hours to thunder bay and 8 hours back to winnipeg without a relief driver. That might not be bad, but i usually cant stay awake for more than 2 hours on the highway. I did have to work right when we got into the city so thats pretty shitty in itself. The next day we had to work at 8am. I worked from 8-1 then went to another place and worked from 1:30pm to 4am in the morning. *Cries* So i get back to the hotel at 4:15 and i have to wake up 6 hours later to drive the 8 hours back to winnipeg. I dont even know how i managed to do it. I ended up sleeping for about 11 hours today, but i couldve done 2-3 hours more. Had to wake up to deliver equipment to the office. Fuck you weekend!

oh and every time im in Thunder Bay i miss out on LMFAO in Winnipeg. It happened twice. They were in Thunder Bay last night but i was already head back to Winnipeg. WTF?!

Now onto today. Today is the season opener for basketball and fantasy Ball!! Time to start playing the pro line and making some cash, Im hoping to have the same luck as last year and win my first ticket.

I say take The Mavs and The Blazers to beat the spread and for pro*line take the cleveland/boston tie. lol i hope to fuck these are right.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

c'est l'halloween

I've been busy. Still trying to figure out where to party on Halloween. I just hope it doesnt end up like last year... waiting in line for an hour and a half and not getting into the party while a guy dressed as Hulk Hogan asked me for drugs. LOL. That might've been the highlight of the night.

Earlier this week my xbox nearly red ringed itself (it had the green tintof AIDS) but it got fixed and im happy. I finally finished a Game. I might be the worst gamer ever.

onto some ever lighter notes...

The best worst singer of all time. You mightve seen him, but somebody please give him his balls back!! :P


his embedding is disabled so hit up the links. He pops out like 3-4 covers a day. and i dont even know if you could make it through one whole vid. lol. Here's a sample of what's real tight...

one time

Party in the USA


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Taco Tuesday

Day after Thanksgiving. I could say I had a really really nice weekend. I saw my cousins new little baby over Skype and it was pretty awesome. She didnt do much , but her trying to stay awake in front of a laptop was lol worthy and cute. Did a couple of hours of partying (which was enough partying for that weekend anyway). Lots of turkey eating and even caught some of the Bring It On Marathon that they had on Muchmusic.

Gave myself headaches trying to win an actual game in Nba2K10 which i think is fuckin hard. I cant stop swearing at the actual game. i have now won 2 games, but Fuck you 2k10 you still suck cock! had to get that off of my chest.

I guess I also wanted to make a what im thankful for, but om not too sure and not in the mood to think about it :P . I am thankful for having a great family, wonderful friends and just living life in general. ohhhh and Hayden Panetierre. Lol

Gifs for you.

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lol. thats wrong/hilarious

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Ohhh snap, it's almost that time of year again and i mean Fantasy Basketball starts again ( Halloween's cool too i suppose ). I officially entered in our league again and can't wait to actually win this year. I'm usually whip some ass on Yahoo ball, but have mainly focused on trying to get paid for it. I get so caught up, i think i need to find more pay leagues.

Team Cobra Kai is back mufukkaz lol. Just got a draft a better, smarter team this year.

This is our team last year lol.

Just got to make better choices and listen to my inner sensei and kick someone in the knee.

On another note much sexier i must say.. i dont usually check out legs nor am i a leg man but Ashley Tisdale has got some nice legs. Look. GO!

Better late than never

I should've made this post a few days ago, but weird sleeping patterns and work just weren't helping me out at all. It was my birthday last friday and just like Zac Effron i turned 17 again :P ok ok..25 and a few lol.

Didn't really have a plan going into it but all i knew was that i was gonna hit up the Bombers game. I haven't been to one in ages and i actually follow the Bombers even though they destroyed the team this year and i can only name a few players, their losses double their wins, i figure it'd still be a good time.

So i get to my buddies and im greeted with a nice tall shot of tequila which went straight to the brain. The tequila warmed us up for the cold ass game. I could've used some gloves though. Sweet game though...the Bombers actually won. Peanuts, Beer, Free hot dogs, heckling of riders fans, mini donuts it was a win situation.

a few pics...

Yeah they're sideways and im too damn lazy to roatate them! That was the gist of my weekend, didnt know what else to write but wanted to just put something up. bebacklater