Wednesday, August 26, 2009

$2 dollar goodness

the TOYPEDO , buy yours now at Dollarama. Its the must have summer toy of 2009.

Once i saw this i lol'd. The name just looks wrong. The coloring of the words in two different shades makes it worse. once it catches your eye you see toy and PEDO.

Then there's the hilarious/weird picture that accompanies it. The kid is holding the toypedo near his mouth. the toypedo is soooo phallic its epic . .. it also should've had a lightning bolt on the side, it'd give it a more veiny feel.

That's wonderful packaging for you.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

sandwhich time

Had a steak, got hammered.
Back to work time. *sighhhhh*

I was browsing through a forum and read a thread about a bacon and cheese sandwich.... with chicken as the bread. hahaha. Its from KFC, but in the states.

take a look at this bad boy

The Double Down chicken sandwich. Looks like 2 big crunch patties with cheesy bacon goodness in the middle. You already know its deadly, but it looks equally delicious. lol. I dont even think i could touch the sandwich. I'd need the bun just to make sure my fingers dont get mad oily. I guess i can knife and fork it :P Heart attack city.

I need to see Jay tackle this beast cuz i know he can.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I was tired and lazy yesterday. I kinda wanted to go out, but didn't really care at the same time. My buddies were the same.

this was me....

Looking all sleepy and content.*shakes head*

Anyways... so my brother watched the movie Funny People last week and put me on notice about this one character named Randy or RAAAAAAAANDY! He's played by this Dude named Aziz who can be seen on the show Human Giant or Parks and Recreation (i think that's what it's called) . \ He showed me some clips on and they were pretty hilarious. Randy plays an over the top comedian who's like a mix of Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock or comedians similar. Randy's jokes are cheap... but the delivery is fuckin great lol.

How can you go wrong with gems like...

"you know what must be crazzy? gettin yo dick sucked in an igloo!! how u sposed to stay hard when its soooo cooooold!!?!"
"i wanna see some tatties!!"

"i got some oreos on mahhh dickkkk"

"that aint a cheeseburger...thas my dicckkkk!"

Want to know what the "most baller death of all time" is?. lol

clips for your viewing pleasure.
part 1

part 2

part 3

more Raaaaaaaandy over here.

That's it. Hopefully Saturday is full of bad or questionable behavior.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Im'ma make it Rainnnn

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Monday, August 17, 2009

umm...sticky stuff on floor tastes bitter

So i came back from a work trip to Thompson. All i can say is that everything went well, but the hotel was shitty as fuck. Opened the door to the smell of smoke/puke/possibly feet with a hint of jizz. I added jizz due to the floors being sticky as hell and it was frickin carpet. Like bubblegum sticky ...quite disturbing. Socks turned brown with the quickness. There was a warning on the table that was pretty straight forward.

Good to know...i wasnt about to drink the water in the hotel in the first place. The room was pretty steamy as well. It was better hanging out outside with the wind blowing and all. I pretty much would've rather slept in the company van. We stayed at the Boston pizza just to pass the time. Got back to the hotel in time to see some people chillin in the dumpster like it ain't no thing haha. I'm sure they were only in there cuz it was windy and it's just a fun thing to do. I almost wanted to Paparazzi them.

As much as the hotel sucked... good times were had. We checked out some sights. We hit up a lake that was described by a coworker as Caribbean like. We get there and the water was green, we were shocked lol. There's also this pizza place called Santa Maria and it was highly recomended so we checked it out. It kicked our asses *sigh* . The "Steve's Special" had about 10 toppings...the pizza was pretty much all topping goodness. 2 slices = done in.

It can be pics tiem nao...

Yes I took that last pic too. it came out fuckin sweet!!!

Thats pretty much it for now. Now all i need to know is when do the Heidi Montag playboy pics get leaked?!?!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

T'was hotter than a mother...

"It's that damn Weather! He's sooo hot right now"

So today was hot like a sauna. It almost reminded me of the Philippines. Then it ends with a nice Thunderstorm, that's awesome. :P Im still testing out how to use this blog to its best ability..and i still dont have much to write about. Working has made me boring, but im headed to the wonderful town of Thompson (sarcasm). I might manage to take some pics... post em up. not too sure.

In the meantime..
Oh Lawdd she is hottttt!.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's True!!...

Everyone loves DP's :P

So i decided to blog since i don't Twitter. I'll figure this thing out too.

Televangelist beating on sinners. lol

stay tuned.